Alrighty, I created this blog as a requirement for my current reference class that I'm taking online. I never thought I'd have a blog. I don't personally have anything against blogs, I'm just not sure I have much to say that anyone would be interested in. I had a difficult time even naming my blog! I thought about calling it "Blah, blah, blog" to keep with the theme that I could say whatever I want, but most people would just hear "blah, blah". So, trying to remain positive, I decided to call it Blogapalooza, because every word is more fun if you attach "palooza" to it. Try it! I had a party last year called "Wine-o-palooza" and everyone had a great time! Maybe it's because we had lots of wine, but I think it's more likely because it had "palooza" in the title.
So anyways, this is my first real foray into the Library 2.0 or Web 2.o way of thinking. This project will have me exploring many other aspects, and I will be sharing my experiences via this blog.
Just a little background on myself: I tend to regard myself as somewhat behind the pack regarding technology. I blame my children. I gave birth to my first daughter in 1994, my second in 1996, and didn't touch a computer (outside of specific work related programs that no other human being besides my co-workers would ever use as I worked from home for 9 years) again until 2002 when I needed to update my resume. In 1996 I used Wordstar for word processing. In 2002, my friend Amy had to show me how to use Microsoft Word. In 1996 we were sending telexes and faxes and my company had just initiated interoffice email (although I don't think we called it email) and only certain people in the company had access to it. I did not have a computer at home until 2004.
On the other hand, today's technology does not frighten me. I am quite possibly addicted to the Internet. I love Facebook, and marvel at how many old friends I have been able to get back in touch with. I feel that Tripadvisor is one of life's greatest creations, just behind Diet Coke. I love my mp3 player, although I seem to have misplaced it :(. My first intro to Flickr was just before my 20th high school reunion last year and it was invaluable for seeing my classmates as they are today, and how they looked in 1987. Finally, I love how the Internet has made it possible for me to return to school for my masters degree in Library Science. If it were necessary for me to physically attend classes, I would not be able to participate in this wonderful program.
So, if anyone is actually reading this, welcome to my journey of self-discovery! I hope to gain some self confidence, have some fun, and learn a lot!
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5 years ago
Welcome to the blogosphere! I hope you love it so much, you keep it up. I could use a little brown beth in my day.
Blogging is so fun! I wish I had more time to blog. When school is done, I will, methinks!
About your wine-a-palooza... I'm guessing it was more the booza that made the party a smash! :)
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