I had heard of RSS before but wasn't really sure what the benefit was. After reading up on RSS and setting up my Bloglines account, my take is that I will receive updated information from sites that interest me, as the updates occur. The benefit to me is that I will not have to individually access these sites to see if content has changed, but rather, those sites will notify me of changes and send the updated information.
Some of you know that I love TripAdvisor. When I post on a forum, I can choose to "watch" that forum, and I will be notified via e-mail when a new reply is posted. While this is not truly RSS, it seems to be along the same lines.
I set up my Bloglines account and was emailed a confirmation, which also invited me back into the site to choose some feeds. I picked some general topics as well as some specific sites out of their Top 50. However, upon submitting my choices, I was told there was a problem with the site. I tried again, going straight into Bloglines, and was able to add some choices after playing around with it. I chose some of their general categories, which probably subscribed me to at least a few things I will not find helpful, but I also added WPL's blog and Flickr stream. You can access my bloglines account here.
One library related blog I would like to add is Michael Stephen's Tame the Web but there didn't appear to be an option for this from his site, which surprised me, since he's all about Library 2.0, so maybe I'm missing something.
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5 years ago
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